News & Events from Douglas B. Johnson Insurance Agency
April 2014
The referral raffle winners are annouced! Congrats to all our winners and thank you to everyone who participated and assisted in helping our agency grow! We look to do another referral raffle in the Fall!
February 2014
Deontay Roaf our Travelers sales executive treated the entire staff to a luncheon at the Bar B Que Inn on January 31, 2014. We were celebrating a successful year with Travelers as our book of business broke the $1,000,000 mark.
It was also Alicia Almendares' birthday and Colton Cummings had his 2nd anniversary with the agency. We had much to celebrate!
Jason Farmer a unit manager in Travelers auto claims department also attended the lunch.
Thank you Deontay and Travelers!!
Hayde Espinoza finally received her property and casualty license from the Texas Department of Insurance! Congrats Hayde!
After attending the Joe Vincent Management seminar in January Doug said it was the best conference he has attended!
January 2014
We had a great team Christmas luncheon at Cavatores, Doug gave everyone in the office tablets they were all very surprised. Thank you team for a great year!!!
Doug will be attending the annual Joe Vincent Management seminar in Austin, TX Sunday January 26- Tuesday January 28. He plans to attend many different sessions to learn
new strategies and information to further educate himself and for the betterment of the agency.
December 2013
Doug will be attending the annual Joe Vincent Management seminar in Austin, January. We look forward to the new information Doug will learn and bring back to better improve our agency as we move forward.
Colton and Alicia are both working on becoming designated as Texas Independent Insurance Adviser, Colton plans to specialize
his designation in Commercial and Alicia in Personal lines.
They plan to complete the remaining sixcourses, enabling them to offer a more in-depth knowledge base regarding insurance, as well as earn the esteemed designation through the Texas Department of Insurance.
Hayde Espinoza passed her licensing exam for becoming a licensed Personal Lines Insurance Agent in Texas. Congrats Hayde!!!
Colton has been with the agency for two years! Great job Colton!!!
November 2013
Hayde is in the final 2 weeks of study to take her licensing class in order to obtain her property and casualty insurance license.
Alicia recently attended a day long agency management seminar to assist her with developing her leadership skills.
Colton recently took an all day specialty course on Commercial General Liability insurance. This class addressed the theory of negligence, types of damages, and how the general liability policy responds. This is one of seven courses that upon completion qualifies the attendee to be a designated Texas Independent Insurance Adviser (TIIA). Colton plans to complete the remaining sixcourses, enabling him to offer a more in-depth knowledge base regarding Commercial lines insurance, as well as earn the esteemed designation through the Texas Department of Insurance.
October 2013
Doug recently attended the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) 9th annual Small Agency Conference in San Marcos, TX. He attended 5 workshops on various subjects. He also attended the "trade show" with booths from insurance companies, brokers and various insurance related vendors. Doug said it was one of the better conferences he has attended.
Julie recently has her 2 year anniversary with the agency. Thank you Julie!!
We have a new employee named Hayde Espinoza. She has over 5 years of sales experience with her prior employer, but no insurance experience. We are training her about all facets of our agency operations.
September 2013
Doug will be attending the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) annual Small Agency Conference in San Marcos on Oct 6th & 7th. The conference is focused on
smaller agencies. There is a trade show with various companies and agency related vendors present. Also there are a variety of topics presented including an industry update and various sales and service related topics.
Alicia attended the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) Errors and Omissions Risk Management meeting "The Challenge of Change", to learn about what our Agency
is doing right! We are constantly improving our efforts for our errors and omissions risk to be as low as possible, clearly for the clients benefit. So we can explain
insurance coverages thoroughly, protect our clients information, understand policies so we can fit the client with the best coverage available, and more.
Consistency is the key, agencies that have standard procedures get things done right.
Julie Kenyon recently reached her two year anniversary with our agency! Colton, Doug and Julie went to the Wakefield Crow Bar for lunch to celebrate, Congratulations Julie!!
August 2013
Insurance companies and underwriters take water damage claims very seriously. It is best to catch water damage early on, and to prevent it . Below is a checklist that helps
identify potential hazards so you can better protect your home and belongings.
July 2013
Alicia is attending a course on Errors and Omissions Risk Management this month, this will be great for our agency.
June 2013
Julie attended a Flood Insurance workshop to expand her knowledge to better serve our clients.
The workshop highlights, elevation certificates which can save people a significant amount on their flood insurance premium, recent and future
changes to the National Flood Insurance Program, underwriting, rules, flood zone determinations and maps! These workshops are extremely
valuable to make our staff more knowledgeable!
May 2013
The agency has won Safeco's annual Presidents award! This prestigious award is presented to Safeco’s highest-performing agents nationwide. It recognizes our superior underwriting, continual growth, and the quality and size of our relationship with Safeco.
Doug has been invited to celebrate with other President Award recipients in Santa Barbara for 5 days June 7th!
They sent us a cheesecake in the mail for the team to enjoy and celebrate!

February 2013

Travelers recently unveiled a new carbon monoxide campaign please view the link above for important information.

We've Been In Business For 5 Years!
Dear Friends,
On the occasion of our 5th Anniversary of having our own agency (Again!), I wanted to thank you for your business and the referrals you have sent our way over the years.
We appreciate and understand the trust you place in our service when you send us your clients, friends, families or co-workers. We do our best every day to provide prompt professional service.
Since we moved from Instex Insurance Agency, we have made much progress in our operations, knowledge and service capabilities.
We have five personnel, including myself and we are all licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance. One of our goals everyday is to have no phone calls go to voice mail during the business day.
We have continued to improve the safety, security and reliability of our information technology and our computer systems.
By the end of this year, our total premium volume should be well over $2,500,000, this places us in a good position to continue the ongoing improvements in our overall operations.
I could go on and on, because I am quite proud of what we all have been able to accomplish, even during a difficult financial environment.
So I want to say again, THANK YOU! Thank you for your support, encouragement and the trust of your business and that of your referrals.
Please let us know how we may better assist you.
Douglas B. Johnson & Staff - Alicia Almendares, Colton Cummings, & Julie Kenyon | | | |
January 2013

Pictured with Doug is Robert Hartwig PhD, CPCU, President of the Insurance Information Institute.
His presentations are always very infomative, fast paced and entertaining.

Doug attended the Joe Vincent management seminar for the 6th year in a row! It is the 50th year that the "Independent Insurance Agents of Texas" have held this conference.
The two day program includes workshops and presentations focused on the latest and most successful management techniques.
Starla Fitch passed her Property & Casualty licensing exam! She is now licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance! Great Job Starla!

This is a picture that was part of a marketing campaign by Pamela Root and Carol Cones. Pam and Carol are sisters and worked together as realtors at Keller Williams Memorial in the 90's. They called themselves the "Sister Act" after the movie.
Doug was a Farmers agent at the time and they included two mortgage officers and Doug as a preffered Insurance provider in the picture they used.
Please note Doug had more hair back then.
New flood rates starting January 2013!

December 2012

The team went to Cavatores for a Christmas luncheon everyone had a great time, and enjoyed the food!

Pictured Left: Neil Rahimi -Finacial Advisor with Doug and his wife Debra at a client appreciation dinner Ameriprise Financial threw in early December. Pictured Right: Alicia and Debra.
Everyone had a great time at the dinner and we were happy to be invited!
October 2012
September 30th - October 1st Doug attended The Small Agency Conference held in Frisco Tx. This is an annual conference that is sponsored by the IIAT (The Independent Insurance Agents of Texas).
They have many different speakers and sessions with subjects including current events, agency management, sales and other subjects.
Our agency is committed to continuing our education to improve our capabilities and service. That is why Doug continues to talk about the various classes we all attend.
September 2012
Julie has her Property and Casualty Insurance License and has recently passed the exam to receive her Life and Health License.
She has recently completed her first year with our agency! Congrats Julie!
June 2012
Colton Cummings passed the Texas Department of Insurance Licensing test, and is now a General Lines Agent, Congrats Colton!
Doug, and Julie attended the Safeco annual meeting, hosted by speaker Jack Daly.
May 2012
Colton Cummings is studying for the Texas Department of Insurance Licensing test, Good Luck Colton!
Jessica has left her full time position with the agency to explore careers in a more industrious career path. She will continue working for the agency on a contract basis to assist with maintaining the website and similar tasks.
Jessica recently became engaged and will be getting married March 2013! Congrats!
The agency signed up for a Facebook fan page the same day Facebook went public, please visit our page and "Like" us!
April 2012

Alicia welcomed a new member to her family April 2,2012, Congrats!
February 2012

The staff went to meet with the Texas Travelers underwriting team Wed. Feb 29, we were given a tour, shown the call center, customer service and underwriting department.
We appreciate our partnership with Travelers as one of our primary carriers.
January 2012

Alicia Almendares presented Chris Franz, President of Lancaseter Homes with ASI Lloyds' regcognition as an accredited builder Friday January 13th 2012.
Jessica has completed 4 years of service with the agency, Congrats!
December 2011

Doug was treated to lunch Thursday by Billie Light and Dave Jupp from MCare Solutions Inc. They are a great client of ours.
November 2011
Julie has passed her insurance exam and we are waiting to hear from TDI for her license to be approved. Congrats Julie!
October 2011
Doug and Jessica attended the small agency conference sponsored by Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) on Oct. 1st & 2nd.
They attended several seminars and classes on various insurance subjects. There was also a trade show with various companies represented.
June 2011
It's HURRICANE season! Make sure that your covered for flooding! Flood policies are the only policies that cover flood. Flooding is not covered by a homeowners policy!
March 2011

Congratulations Alicia Almendares on your recent wedding!
Watch Doug on the NEWS!!

Doug and his wife Debra recently attended the 48th annual Joe Vincent Management Seminar, held by the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) in Austin Texas.
It was a 3 day conference designed for agency leaders and managers. This is the 3rd year that Doug has attended the conference.
On the final day there was a legislative luncheon with State Representatives and Senators attending to learn about and discuss current insurance issues.
January 2011
Jessica recently celebrated her 3rd anniversary with our agency. As a reward she received a massage from Massage Envy and had the rest of the afternoon off!
Happy New Year from Douglas B Johnson Insurance agency!
December 2010
The staff went to a holiday luncheon at Cavatores Italian restaurant. We had a great time and we look forward to working together as a team to build our agency so that we can provide the best service to our clients each day. We are very focused on the future of our agency. Happy Holidays
October 2010
Doug and Jessica attended the small agency conference sponsored by Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) on Oct. 4 & 5th.
They attended several seminars and classes on various insurance subjects. There was also a trade show with various companies represented.
August 2010
Safeco Insurance has introduced a new resource for clients called "Insurance 101" Click Here for more information.
May 2010
We have launched a new section of our webpage with information on umbrella policies for more information click the umbrella link under the products tab.
March 2010
Our Safeco- Liberty Mutual representive Shari came to review our 2009 results March 31
and afterward took our office staff to lunch at Don Joses, to celebrate.
Our Travelers marketing representative came by on Wednesday March 10 and gave the staff Travelers t-shirts.
The t-shirts show what we want to protect... and that is our clients!